Everybody Press Review, Issue No. 2 - Bodily Autonomy & Healing
Everybody Press Review is a biannual magazine that exhibits the community we've built together from across the world. Our goal with this review is to weave a tapestry of exceptional artists and writers we think deserve love and attention.
This issue combines visual art, photography, nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry—all grappling with the themes of bodily autonomy and healing. Our last issue explored concepts of birth and rebirth, and within any birth comes some form of trauma. “During that course in which ‘I’ become, I give birth to myself amid the violence of sobs, of vomit,” Julia Kristiva writes in Powers of Horror. We found ourselves thinking of Kristiva a lot throughout this issue— how the abject lives within a threshold, and is a gross and sublime way to realize one’s autonomy. With textual themes from sex work to curdling milk and collages blending beach scenes with the vulva, this issue encompasses the abject and uses it as a means to heal/come into one's own. Giving space to heal is displayed in popular culture to be a calming sort of energy, and many times this can be this case, but the types of healing that occurs in this issue are also radical, painstaking, and necessary for the continuation of existence. We will all heal eventually, but it’s the ferocity of our healing that gives us the power to inspire others.
Featuring: ofi davis, Gwen Smith, Arelis Uribe, Jenna Hamed, Rob Hart, Jackie Clarke, Elizabeth Castaldo, Venus De Mars, Julius Barkley, Theo LeGro, Banah Ghadbanah, PJ Lombardo, Casey Baden, Noga Cohen, Elizabeth Shobey & Juan Pablo Sarmiento Torres, Torey Akers & more!
Perfect Binding
December, 28th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-956639-08-7
Cover Design by Sheryl Oppenhiem
Layout Design by Preston Thompson & Jamison Lung
Inkjet and Perfect Binding by our staff at Everybody Press in Industry City.